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Cómo #desinstalar #hotspotshield del PC

Aquí te cuento cómo puedes haber llegado a tener hotspot shield y cómo liberarte de él.  Estás trabajando en tu proyecto de software. Abres el navegador, buscas un tema, que te lleva a otro, que resuelve un asunto pero encuentras otra forma más rápida. Y sin darte cuenta, terminas instalando un cliente digamos de ftp free license. Lamentablemente, cuando vuelves al navegador, te aparece una caja de texto #HotSpot Shield que no sabes cuándo ni cómo se instaló. Pero no te sirve, molesta tu trabajo en la pantalla y puede que ni sepas lo que es. Lo peor, es que puede, casi con seguridad, tratarse de #spyware!.  Cómo deshacerte de #HotSpot Shield en 9 sencillos pasos: (sí en #Windows) 1. Anota todos los pasos en un documento de texto o un papel. 2. Cierra el navegador, cualquiera que uses, debe estar cerrado! 3. Abre el Panel de Control. Puede acceder a este apartado desde el botón inicio o la pantalla inicio en #Windows8, escribiendo (sin pulsar en ningún sitio)...

Reflexiones sobre #crisis en #Europa y #Economía #Política en mis reflexiones sobre #Ecuador

Rafael Correa, Presidente de la República del Ecuador....Ecuador, un pequeño país del que nadie sabía y los que habían oído de ese país, es que exportaba pobres y era muy muy pobre, lejos muy lejos. Actualmente, Ecuador se ha convertido en un país que no sólo está lejos, sino que ha dejado en cierta medida de exportar capital humano, y ha empezado a recibirlo, como se lee en " Así son los españoles que emigran ". Las políticas aplicadas por el actual presidente de gobierno han llegado de manera integral a todas las áreas estratégicas del país, con especial hincapié en la  educación. Este año prevén un aumento en la inversión con más de U SD1.700 millones en universidades, para convertirlas en centros de referencia a nivel mundial. Podría decirse que Ecuador es un país que está aprendiendo a aplicar las políticas para el desarrollo. La ONU en su último Reporte de Desarrollo Humano reflejó que es el país con mayor incremento en el índice de desarrollo humano en t...

Technology and where are we going?

During this RSA presentation (starts on 11:00), lecturers make an analysis on where technology is transforming our society.  Some remarkable affirmations: "We decided to put all our information into a big grey box, and hope nobody is looking in." "Every single human being here has access to the internet" "Technology improves individual capacity more than social" "Teach people not answers, but how to ask questions" "We can't leave people off the hook" "Data, information and knowledge are different levels. We should slow down to learn/teach how to make questions" Despite all this progress we still have a lot of things to do, such as, improving security.  And also to reshape our mentality and our culture of sharing. We also should include and consider each and every individual to get the benefits of technology. As they mention during the QA, there has to be areas where designers and users can com...

Kids supporting kids: action

Well, so Kids supporting kids is ON! This is about involving kids on a collaboration network. It is not only asking them "to give something for poor people", it is about letting them know who, where and why. We should do something with a purpose, and as a collaborative action  this is a reciprocal donation. Actors: - Donors: kids from a school in Riobamba, Ecuador [1] - Receiver: kids from Guayaquil, scholars at The Starfish Foundation I talked to donors so that they understood what TAMOJA was doing and why it was being done. We all know the statement "Children are the future". What does it exactly means? The future "what"? They should first know their present, to become the integral professionals in the future. As the MDG by achieving primary education, demand for secondary education grows, and so knowledge-sharing that may reduce social divides. What we did was to connect with children so that they realized there are other "stars" wi...

Kids supporting kids

It's been over six years now that I started with the international cooperation for human development experience. And, what is it all about?. Well, for me, it means human beings supporting other human beings. Human development should not mean anything else. Setting that idea as a basis, everything is possible, because you are supporting yourself.  Different experiences, with such interesting  people have helped me to shape what I call "my dream", contributing with my knowledge to human development. Is that possible? Education is indeed one of the most important elements of the human development process and technology is a powerful tool that helps to achieve the universal education in the information era. But education is not only memorizing things by heart, it is not only a teacher giving a lecture to their students, it is not even googling and is an integral process, that requires the whole society to be involved in. Parents, neighbors, educators, ki...

2013 Human Development Report

Well, now released the 2013 HDR. A must-read. Check out where in the rank your country is. For this year's report, Norway is in first place and Zimbabwe is the last one. Still many differences, many things to do so far. Do you think we should get involved in getting a better world? I think so. Small actions can make a difference. 2012 has been a quite dynamic year for me, I have been living in 3 countries, whose HDI are: United States 3 Spain 23 Ecuador 89 You can find your country here I also recommend chapter 2: A more global South, where they made a thorough analysis on how the world is changing in terms of human development  . Is the North becoming the new South?

A better place

A day to be positive, every second counts to make this world a better place. Listen to the Playing for Change movement.