It's been over six years now that I started with the international cooperation for human development experience. And, what is it all about?. Well, for me, it means human beings supporting other human beings. Human development should not mean anything else. Setting that idea as a basis, everything is possible, because you are supporting yourself.
Different experiences, with such interesting people have helped me to shape what I call "my dream", contributing with my knowledge to human development. Is that possible?
Education is indeed one of the most important elements of the human development process and technology is a powerful tool that helps to achieve the universal education in the information era. But education is not only memorizing things by heart, it is not only a teacher giving a lecture to their students, it is not even googling and is an integral process, that requires the whole society to be involved in. Parents, neighbors, educators, kids should participate actively in the sharing process of education.
Education is like a cycle that grows every time a kid learns something, and to "learn" means processing, understanding, thinking and sharing again. And that process free our minds, "free as in freedom", as Eugenio Espejo stated: La libertad solamente puede venir a través de la educación (Freedom can only come through education).
Thanks to the information technology, we can see how our neighbors, in the other side of the world, are doing, and learn from them, and share with them what we do. This is how I met "The Starfish Foundation", a couple of friends that decided to be active part of the human development, with the simple idea of creating a better future and achieving dreams through Education.
Some time ago an idea raised: creating a network to support those kids. I started a plan to involve kids who learn how fortunate they are, and how generous they can be by supporting others. Kids supporting other kids, and so, human beings supporting humans beings, and so, achieving human development.
I am sure this experience is going to be wonderful, for the kids, for the collaboration, for the future.
Stay tuned to see how this process is going!