If you are searching actions for this weekend, not any action but green action, you can join the MOVING PLANET event taking place around the world next september 24th. This initiative was launched by 350.org, a platform that encourages people movilization against climate crisis...
The basis of this movement is to get in the near future the back to 350ppm (parts per million) of CO2 acceptable for humans and societies as explained by experts. Currently, the rate of CO2 is much bigger and unsutainable for human lifes. Each event is aimed to get media and political attention, so that political leaders take real action and solution of the climate crisis.
The CO2 is not a problem itself, more than the consequences: famine, floods...due to deforestation, heavy pollution allowing uncontrolled constructions and use of fossil fuels. The more people taking part of this kind of events the more people being aware of how critical can this problem be, and more action can be taken to solve it....
Run, cycle, walk, dance, move!!!...Search an event at your location and take action!
Watch this video of Movin planet (350.org)