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...and now learning pl/sql with oracle 11g

For this adeventourus matter, I am using SQLDeveloper environment to program PL/SQL. This software is quite easy to use. There are current versions at the  Oracle site, depending on your OS you may download the Linux version, the Mac or even the MS version with installer. I personally use an old version, in my MS 7 64bit, but installing SQL developer for 32bits with JDK1.6.xx included. There may be sometimes an error stating MSVCR71.dll is missing. To fix this up: - unzip the SQLdeveloper zip folder - Go to ..\jdk\jre\bin copy MSVCR71.dll file - Go to ..\sqldeveloper\bin and paste the dll file - Run  .\sqldeveloper.exe This should work and now you can open a connection to start creating your PL/SQL programms. More help: - - -

Permiso de residencia (AOS) y trabajo (EAD)...EEUU

Por fin has dado el paso, ya estas en Estados Unidos, y si las gestiones previas al viaje te parecieron tediosas te preguntaras y ahora que? Pues a moverse para poder asentarse en nuevo lugar...Si dispones de tiempo, te recomiendo que la gestion la hagas tu mismo. Para asegurarte, puedes ir a una oficina de inmigracion que estaran encantados de ayudarte, pero no olvides pedir cita (al final te indico como) Primero , informate si tu tipo de visado te permite tener el SSN (Social Security Number) es un numero de identificacion que te dice que eres una persona legal en el pais y te permite hacer muchas gestiones, desde sacarte un telefono hasta obtener el permiso de conducir. Para esto puedes esperar una semana y media, asi le das tiempo a la oficina de Social Security a tener los datos actualizados desde inmigracion. Transcurridos unos dias, puedes acercarte a la oficina de Social Security de tu zona, con tu pasaporte y tu visado, les pides muy amablemente que te confirmen si tu visad

Visado y otros menesteres...viajar a EEUU

Si pretendes dar un cambio y volar rumbo a Estados Unidos desde España, puedes tener en cuenta los siguientes puntos, y sobre todo darte tiempo para que no se te olvide nada! El visado como tal tiene instrucciones bastante concisas cuando empiezas los tramites, pero lo contare mas adelante... Sellar documentos Legalizacion: Educacion Instituto Titulos no universitarios deben sellarse en Madrazo 15 si estan sellados por el ministro de educacion. En caso contrario, si estan sellados, por el consejero de educacion han de sellarse en gran via 28 Universidad Titulos universitarios han de sellarse en Prado 28, M* de Educacion Cultura y Deporte. Mejor ir temprano porque suele haber filas bastante largas Una vez legalizados, apostillar (mas abajo) Antecedentes penales Llevar DNI y sacarlo en el ministerio de Justicia. Almomento lo entregan y apostillarlo Partida de nacimiento Sacarlo en el Registro Civil Central (si eres nacionalizado, si no,puedes hacerlo por internet)

free of freedom....

Being one of those interested people in technology, sharing and sharing technology is not being a freak being part of it is a necessity. The reason: technology as a tool for information and information as the result of society work, interaction, education, investigation... Technology has then a potential that well-used allow people to learn. Wrong-used, or missused technology can be a reason for the known digital divide and empowerment of other negative divides such us social. Using technology with openness and freedom makes it indeed a tool for information. The software freedom day is aimed to promote the openess and freedom on software as part of technology...

moving is possible without pollution...

If you are searching actions for this weekend, not any action but green action, you can join the MOVING PLANET event taking place around the world next september 24th. This initiative was launched by , a platform that encourages people movilization against climate crisis... The basis of this movement is to get in the near future the back to 350ppm (parts per million) of CO2 acceptable for humans and societies as explained by experts. Currently, the rate of CO2 is much bigger and unsutainable for human lifes. Each event is aimed to get media and political attention, so that political leaders take real action and solution of the climate crisis. The CO2 is not a problem itself, more than the consequences: famine, floods...due to deforestation, heavy pollution allowing uncontrolled constructions and use of fossil fuels. The more people taking part of this kind of events the more people being aware of how critical can this problem be, and more action can be taken to solve

When a smart guy make something big....but in the wrong place....

This story just amazed me....again the security system in the world is under review because someone threatened it...without knowing it!. A smart UK guy is to be condemned to US prision (considered a terrorist threat) by hacking and US security department wants him to be extradited. He was obsessed of UFOs since he was a child, and loved virtual games, spent most of his time "hacking" but hacking is not bad, until you go happily into the US NASA Space Center, Navy and even the Department of Defense, after creating a "simple" perl script that discover thousands of passwords, letting the security under risk....but he was only searching for UFOs signs and best of all, he is autist. After reading the story, I was guessing about how is this to be considered a bad moral action, at the end he was only searching for evidence of UFOs, and as per his declaration, he did not mean to threat the security, but only spent his time and search something that he really enjouys with. W

La tierra tiembla, porque no era suficiente su pobreza...

Existen muchas campañas para ayudar a Haití en estos duros momentos. COLABORA! Recuerda que lo que no das es lo que no llega. Aquí os dejo unos link de organizaciones con las que podéis colaborar... Save the children Cruz Roja Español Acción contra el Hambre ONU (En esta página hay varios links para donaciones en Donate) Hay otras muchas, búscalas en internet...