I've watched, literally, hundreds of TED Talks. What you are reading are thoughts about how your dreams become into reality, how some day good things just happen for simply happiness sake. If you have watched TED talks, you will probably keep reading. If not, I encourage you to explore them...they're worthy. When I moved to the US, one day, having dinner in a fast food restaurant in New York, I remember I saw a group of teens and, what I thought were, their parents. All of them were talking, excited, about what they've done during the day, attending a TED conference!. I knew that because, each of them was wearing a white badge with a big "TED" in light red. And yes, because I listened to what they were talking, as I said, exciting things. Well, the truth of the matter is that I do not remember exactly what they were saying, but I perfectly know what I was thinking: if I feel motivation when I watch a TED video, attending live and most important, be part of a T...